Finding my way in this world without losing myself...

Finding my way in this world without losing myself...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


It was a love requited
but years too late.
She decided after the fire was out
to put fuel on the flames.

He knew she loved him;
silence erodes the truth
carving a canyon between them.
She shouts her love across,
but the only reply is
her own muffled echo.


If we only had one kiss left,
how would you spend it?
If today was our last day,
how would you end it?
Would you succumb to the pressure
extinguishing loves light?
Or would you keep grasping at straws
putting up a fight?
Destiny has no feelings.
Fate has no qualms.
They will stare at me blank faced
and pry you from my arms.
Because I love you
I know this can last.
Because I'm crazy
I continue to hold fast.

The Wandering 3rd Eye...

Let me start by saying this: I love my girl.  She means the world to me.  We've been together for 4 years and I've never been happier than I am with her.  We're getting married in July (one of the easiest decisions I've ever had to make).  There are just 2 issues:
1. When I decided to settle down, that didn't make any of the other fine women in the world less fine.
 2.  I didn't to remove the part of my brain that says, "Go get that now!!!" when I see one of the aforementioned fine women. 
I am still a man, and still a hunter at heart.  The social pressures of what is expected of me in a relationship wage war with the biological responses to the world around me.

So what"s a man to do? You love your woman, but you find it hard to resist the call of the wild.  Fellas, the answer is never to cheat. Always talk to your lady about your feelings.  It's the only sure fire way to stay out of real trouble.  Not that it will be an easy conversation to have, but it necessary.  I am sure that this is not new information for any of the fellas that are reading...even those of us that cheat and cheat and cheat, we know that we shouldn't.  So then, why am I writing this?  Obviously the problem is that men are all dogs and cant control themselves.  Right, Ladies? Wrong.  And that very attitude is why I am writing this.  Women need to better understand what men go through before casting all of us off to sea for being unworthy.  And while I would never be as bold as to speak for all men, I am hoping that the perspective of one man can help you get a clearer picture of the male gender as a whole.

My whole life I've heard complaints about double standards.  I've heard the complaining, the crying, the arguing and the fighting. I, frankly, have had enough.  These stereotypes are not all creations of the male propaganda specialists who envision a world run by the iron fist of a man.  Many are in direct correlation to the natural responses that men and women have to the world around them.  The biggest battle in that war revolves around this double standard:
"Men that sleep around are pimps.  Women that sleep around are hoes."
As fucked up as it is, this is true. (pauses for a moment while every woman reading either logs off or curses me out)  The man and the woman as biological creature were designed differently.  We see the world differently because our biological gifts and limitations allow to impact the world in distinctly different ways.  This then shapes our psychological growth.  This establishes social constructs and gender roles and all of the things that "bind" us together today.  This applies to all arenas of life...including sex.

Biologically, the sexual experience is very different for men and women.  Men penetrate women.  Women are probed by men.  Men deposit their seed.  A man takes nothing of a woman away with him after the experience.  In its most natural state, the woman is always left with a part of the man.  From a biological standpoint, sex could not be more opposite for men and women.  This makes complete sense, since the purpose of sex is to procreate, and nature seems to be quite fond of springing life from the most contrary of circumstances. 

From there, the biological shifts to the psychological.  The question becomes, "How do I feel about what just happened?"  Because a man, physically takes nothing away from a sexual encounter,  there is no guarantee that the encounter will be meaningful for the man beyond that moment.  For the man, it becomes a choice of how he will allow the experience to impact him.  You wanna know why he didn't call you?  Because you never made it past the physical level, in his mind.  He doesn't feel attached to you or your sexual encounter beyond that of a physical release.  This is how we, as men, baffle women.  They don't seem to understand how you can say you love your girl, but still bang side chicks.  Well, when he says "I don't love them hoes!", he doesn't.  Now, there is no excuse for hurting your lady (which is why i don't cheat), but ladies, don't ask if he loves her.  He doesn't. She's just some chick.

Now, I will not be so bold as to speak for any woman and her sexual experience, but I will say that I have never met a girl that was as physically cavalier as a man that was not screwed up in the head.  There is a shift that happens in a woman's mind when they try to "have sex like a man."  These women are hoes (that goes double for all you sex in the city imitators out there).  It does sadden me to write those words, but it is the truth.

The conflicts in out biology have led to conflicts in our psychology.  Those differences have led to a major flaw in the social development of the male-female relationship.  Our society values monogamy (which no male propagandist would ever agree to...less women? really? no thanks).   1 man, 1 woman; although nature would suggest that ratio to be outside the design of our species.  There are at least

If I had to guess, I'd say that a lot of women are saying to themselves (or to their computer screens...or to their boyfriends), "Well, if it's that damn hard, then don't get in a relationship! Then you can have all the sex you want!" I invite those people to reread the 1st paragraph.  You cannot negate the influence and power of love.  Men value love, we just don't value all sex equally.  Hence, the conflict.  I love my girl. I really do.  But, how do I resolve the conflict between my body and my heart?  My heart says I'm OK. My mind tells me I'm missing out.  History says I shouldn't have to choose.  My girl tells me don't even think about it.

What is the answer?  (The hell if I know...)