Finding my way in this world without losing myself...

Finding my way in this world without losing myself...

Monday, November 8, 2010

The why's and what for's...

This is my blog.  Some of you reading may know me, and others may not.  However, who I am is not as important as why I feel so compelled as to start this blog.  At the root of its very foundation, the idea that there are people out there that care enough about what I think to search the interweb for my ideas is conceited and a bit self righteous. Yet here I am. 

But why?  I guess the only answer is that if one person care about and believes in an idea, then that idea is more than worth sharing.  I exercise this mantra on a daily basis via twitter (jpnt17), but lately some of my debates and ideas with friends (and strangers) have outgrown the allotted 140 characters.  Rather than give up on the painting, I'll chose to grab a larger canvas.

I am a person interested in the world at large, and this blog will reflect that interest.  From music, to sports, to love, to life, I will just take what on my mind and spit it out.  Although we live in a time where such honesty and forthrightness is frowned upon, this path is the only one that allows me to still look in the mirror and like what i see.  The $1,000,000 is always do I want you to like me, or do I want to like myself.  As I add to this blog, my answer to that should become glaringly clear.

I lastly, I would love if this monologue became a dialogue.  My grandmother always says, "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen twice as much as you talk."  If I'm wrong, let me know.  If I'm full of it, let me know.  If you agree, let me know.  The journey will be more fun knowing you're here.  I'm looking forward to it.


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